
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Along with your article, please include the following information:

  1. Author’s first and last name;

  2. Author’s ORCID number;

  3. Author’s professional or academic affiliation (research center, university, department, etc.);

  4. The title of the article in English and Polish;

  5. An abstract up to 800 characters (including spaces) long in English and Polish;

  6. A list of up to 5 keywords in English and Polish;

  7. Article made up of no more than 30,000 characters (including spaces) in English;

  8. A bibliography;

  9. First and last name of the native speaker who translated the article (this is necessary only for those authors whose native language is not English);

  10. A current bio in English and Polish up to 400 characters (including spaces) long;

  11. The article should be sent as either a *.doc or a *.docx file. Articles that include graphs, charts, or graphics should also be sent as PDFs.

Only articles that are received by the deadline, meet each of the above submission requirements, and are reviewed positively by the editorial board will be considered for publication in RTK in 2020. The Editor-in-Chief of RTK will make all final decisions regarding the content published in the journal. The Chair of Catholic Theology at the University of Białystok publishes RTK, to which Poland’s Ministry of Science and Higher Education has assigned a score of 20 points and has listed on its index. Funding for RTK for the 2019-2020 fiscal year has been awarded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education through its “Wsparcie dla Czasopism Naukowych [Support for Scientific Journals]” program. Therefore, the scholarly articles published in our journal can be considered in the evaluation of your scholarly research and professional achievements. 

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